
How to Position Yourself for Dealership Best Practices

Published May 5th, 2022 by Dealer Partner 360

To lead the market, sometimes all it takes are tactical moves. Not necessarily conventional stunts or styles. Just best practices that give you an edge to attract and retain customers. According to Automotive News, these are "practices that are a proven contributor to dealership operations. It could be a marketing tactic, a hiring or staffing initiative, a customer satisfaction push, a cost-saving move, or any other strategy that helps the dealership operate more effectively and make more money." So, do you want to know how to position yourself for these dealership best practices? Read on!

1. Make Your Customers Happy

There is nothing that beats a happy customer. There are higher chances that people would buy from you when they like you. And this also means they are likely to refer you to other people. Hence, you must understand that your customers are important to you as a dealership. They keep your business running.

Therefore, you would have to do some internal business reflection on your sales, customer service, and even F&I strategies that you are leveraging upon. This kind of self-assessment would help refocus the dealership to having strong digital media and on-site customer experiences.

2. The Power of Word of Mouth

Reputation is everything in an auto dealership. If your brand perception from buyers is negative, then you would need to work on getting that image right back on track. Pump a lot of effort into how people feel about your dealership. Do they think you are reliable? Are your products good? Do you have a considerably excellent vehicle deal when they buy from you? It would be best if you had an idea of what the answers to these questions are. And use the responses in making business operation moves.

A common way that information is spread is through social media. The Vice President of Adaptly in 2019 said that close to 70% of consumers research the vehicle they want to purchase on social media before deciding. So, position yourself as an auto dealership thought leader to increase your brand perception.

3. Hiring The Right People

Putting competent hands in relevant roles in your business operation is very important. These would help give your dealership the self-propelling force it needs for market positioning. There would be less hassle as to deficient functioning areas in your business since reliable hands are on board.

However, not only should you hire the right people. Also, consider emphasizing a work-life balance culture in your dealership. This is because the current wave of work talents belongs to demography that requires it. A fast-paced environment for working is not suitable for current times. Hence, to attract these sterling millennial and Gen z talents, make working at your dealership flexible.

4. Efficient Teamwork

Seamless teamwork makes business operations more optimized. Departments such as the sales and F&I professionals should have a smooth interdepartmental relationship. Not only should these two cooperate, but other sections of the dealership should also work well together to boost the bottom line.

A great way to promote teamwork is by creating a team-oriented environment in the business. When there is a common goal to work towards, such as pitching new dealership cars to fresh buyers, all hands are on deck. And team members are encouraged to contribute their quota to the new goal in sight.

In conclusion, every auto dealership is different in experience and practice. Nevertheless, they can use the tips stated above to position themselves for best practices in the market.

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